Parent-Family Liaisons
Why Do Schools Have Parent-Family Liaisons?
Parent-Family liaisons serve as a communication link between home and school. They welcome and orient families to the schools and familiarize the families with the school's cultures, policies, procedures, and practices.
What Can Parent-Family Liaisons Do?
Parent-Family liaisons can connect you with the appropriate people within the school or community who can help you meet your child's/ family needs. The Parent-Family liaisons establish and build successful working relationships with the families of all children in the school. They appreciate the school's cultural diversity and work to foster unity, cohesiveness, and cooperation among all families.
Parent-Family liaisons provide services such as the following to assist you and your child:
· Encourage open communication between you and school personnel.
· Explain the purpose and process of conferences and school meetings.
· Attend conferences and school meetings with you to clarify procedures and processes.
· Explain school, policies, practices, and programs.
· Provide information about school goals, resources, and activities.
Our parent liaison at Forest Park HS is Kimberly Ceron. She can be reached at [email protected]