Clinic Corner

As we are entering the cold and flu season, this is a reminder of the best health practices to decrease the spread and transmission of viruses in PWCS schools.   

Please remember to cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze and throw used tissues in the trash.  If you don't have a tissue, cough, or sneeze into your elbow, not your hands.  Wash hands often with soap and water for 20 seconds, dry hands with a paper towel, and use the paper towel to turn off the faucet.  If soap and water are not available, hand sanitizers may also be used to preform hand hygiene.  Remember to stay home when you’re sick until at least 24 hours without a fever or the use of fever reducing medicine.  Together we can help stop the spread of germs that may make you and others ill.


During this Covid-19 outbreak in our county, state, country and the world, it is easy to be misinformed. If you are interested in Covid-19 information please use a reputable site to answer your concerns and/or update yourself. Here are some links that you might find helpful:

What Services Does the School Nurse Provide?

Health Services: Assesses health and development, provides nursing interventions and evaluates students responses to care.

Health Education: Provides health education to students, staff and parents.

Healthy Environment: Identifies health and safety concerns in the school environment.

Nutritional Services: Supports healthy food services programs.

Physical Education/Activity: Promotes health and physical education which promotes healthy behaviors.

Counseling/Mental Health: Assesses needs, provides interventions and refers students to appropriate staff or community agencies.

Parent/Community Involvement: Promotes community involvement.


It is the intent of the Prince William County Public Schools (PWCS) to assist parents/guardians when they are unable to come to school to administer medication by giving needed medication to the student so that the student may maintain school attendance.

Every effort should be made by the parent/guardian for the student to receive needed medication outside of the school day. Prescription or over-the-counter drugs, pain relievers, cough medicine, inhalants, etc., shall be administered to students by parent/guardians outside of school hours except in unusual circumstances.

The first or adjusted dose of medication shall be administered at home by the parent/guardian. The first or adjusted dose will not be given at school.

All students and parents are reminded of the following:

School personnel cannot administer ANY medication until a form, signed by the parent is on file in the clinic. All prescription medication must also have a physician's signature on the PWC medication form before a prescription medication can be administered. All medication, prescription and over-the-counter (i.e., Tylenol, Advil, etc.) brought to school MUST be in the original sealed container and kept in the clinic. It should be in small amounts as storage space is limited.

Students may keep in their possession certain medications, such as prescription inhalers and Epi-pens as warranted with a Health Treatment Plan on file signed by the physician.

Under no other circumstances will students be permitted to carry medication without the direct written physicians order and agreement of the school nurse or an administrator.

The following PWCS forms attached below can be downloaded for your convenience. Please complete or have your physician complete and return the completed form to the clinic.

723-5 Physical Examination

723-6 Immunization Requirements

753-2 Procedures to Follow in Cases of Suspected Head Lice Control

753-4 Health Procedures to be Used in Cleaning Instructional Equipment

753-5 Experiments with Human Body Fluid or Human Tissue

753-8 Management of Student Bite Injuries

754.02-1 Physical Examinations for Athletics

756-1 Physical Screenings and Testing

757-1 Management of Temporary First Aid and Emergencies in the School Setting

757-2 Management of Allergic Reactions in the School Setting/School Age Child Care: Administering Epinephrine Auto-Injection

757-3 Management of Students with Health Treatment Plans

757-4 Management of Medication Administration in the School Setting

757-5 Management of Asthma in the School Setting

757-6 Management of Diabetes in the School Setting

757-7 Management of Epileptic Seizures in the School Setting

757-8 Management of Students with Cancer in the School Setting

761-2 Mental Health Procedures