The Governor's School @ Innovation Park program is a collaboration between PWCS and George Mason University's Prince William Campus. It is designed for students who are very strong in Math (ready for Calculus in grade 11), passionate about science, and eager for the opportunity to do original research in university level facilities. Interested students should go directly to the official page for How To Apply to GS@IP (opens in a new tab). The application typically opens in early to mid-November and is due at the beginning of February (just like other HS Specialty Program transfer applications).
- Students interested in the Virginia Summer Language Academies should talk to their World Language teacher in the first marking period.
Students interested in the Virginia Summer Residential Governor's School (SRGS) programs should speak to Mrs. Vroustouris or Mr. Bredbenner in room 1143 and see the PWCS site for Summer Residential Governor's School (opens a new window) for more information.
- Students interested in the Virginia Summer Language Academies should talk to their World Language teacher in the first marking period.
Students interested in the Virginia Summer Residential Governor's School (SRGS) programs should speak to Mrs. Vroustouris or Mr. Bredbenner in room 1143 and see the PWCS site for Summer Residential Governor's School (opens a new window) for more information.
** All info below is from the Fall 2023 application window. Info about the Fall 2024 application process (for Summer 2025) programs will be posted as soon as it becomes available ** |
All application materials are made available through the Forest Park SRGS Canvas page. Students must request from Mrs. Vroustouris or Mr. Bredbenner to be invited to the page. Components of the applications are provided through "assignments" in that Canvas course.
More info about these programs is also available on our page for Summer Programs and Opportunities (left side of this page). These programs are offered at various colleges around the state for four weeks in the summer (approximately the month of July) and have different focus areas:
SRGS Academic Programs
Humanities at Radford University
Math, Science & Technology at Lynchburg College
Agriculture at Virginia Tech (think of it as Applied Biological Sciences)
More info about these programs is also available on our page for Summer Programs and Opportunities (left side of this page). These programs are offered at various colleges around the state for four weeks in the summer (approximately the month of July) and have different focus areas:
SRGS Academic Programs
Humanities at Radford University
Math, Science & Technology at Lynchburg College
Agriculture at Virginia Tech (think of it as Applied Biological Sciences)
Extremely competitive Mentorships are available in Oceanography (Virginia Institute of Marine Science) and Engineering (Jefferson National Particle Accelerator) hosted by CNU.
SRGS Arts Programs
Dance, Instrumental/Vocal Music, Visual Art, Theater at Radford University. Audition criteria is available each year in early October and all applicants must sign up in mid-October for mandatory local auditions that occur in late October or early November. Please ask Mrs. Vroustouris or Bredbenner for more information.
All applications and materials must be submitted to the front office at Forest Park (signatures in ink are required) the first week of December - exact date TBA. Please contact Mrs. Vrourstouris or Mr. Bredbenner with questions.