Governor's School Programs

"Governor's School" can refer to different programs offered during the summer or during the academic year...

Summer Residential Governor's School (SRGS) 

  • Applications are open to students in 10th or 11th grade.
  • SRGS offers six different month-long summer programs for students to live and learn on a college campus for some of June and most of July before 11th or 12th grade.
  • Selection is competitive and tuition, room and board are free for the students.
  • Interested students must request to be added to Forest Park's SRGS Canvas page by Wednesday, November 20 .
  • The application materials are accessible and turned in through that Canvas page.
  • Scroll down to the *** below for more information.

Governor's School @ Innovation Park (GS@IP)
  • GS@IP is an academic year program at George Mason's Prince William campus where students take college math and science classes in the morning before returning to Forest Park in the afternoon.
  • Interested students should go directly to the official page for How To Apply to GS@IP (opens in a new tab)Read the instructions carefully. The application requires significant time and effort.
  • The Governor's School @ Innovation Park program is a collaboration between PWCS and George Mason University's Prince William Campus. 
  • It is designed for students who are very strong in Math (ready for Calculus in grade 11), passionate about science, and eager for the opportunity to do original research in university-level labs. 
  • The application typically opens in early to mid-November and requires multiple components. It is due at the beginning of February (just like other HS Specialty Program transfer applications), but there are requirements and deadlines that occur weeks before that final deadline.

Students interested in the Virginia Summer Language Academies should talk to their World Language teacher in the first marking period of the school year.


Students interested in the Virginia Summer Residential Governor's School (SRGS) programs should speak to Mrs. Vroustouris or Mr. Bredbenner in room 1004 at the front of the school and see the PWCS site for Summer Residential Governor's School (opens a new window) for more information about the specific programs.

All application materials are made available through the Forest Park SRGS Canvas page. Students must request from Mrs. Vroustouris or Mr. Bredbenner to be invited to the page. Components of the applications are provided through "assignments" in that Canvas course. 

These programs are offered at various colleges around the state for four weeks in the summer (approximately the month of July) and have different focus areas:

SRGS Academic Programs
Humanities at Radford University
Math, Science & Technology at Lynchburg College
Agriculture at Virginia Tech (think of it as Applied Biological Sciences)

SRGS Mentorships (extremely competitive selection requiring research experience)
Oceanography (at Virginia Institute of Marine Science) hosted by CNU
Engineering (at Jefferson National Particle Accelerator) hosted by CNU
Medicine and Health Science at Radford University

SRGS Arts Programs
Dance, Instrumental/Vocal Music, Visual Art, Theater at Radford University. Audition preparations should begin in the spring before application and specific criteria is available each year in early October. All applicants must sign up in mid-October for mandatory local auditions that occur in late October or early November. Please ask Mrs. Vroustouris or Bredbenner for more information.

All applications and materials must be submitted through the Canvas Page for Summer Residential Governor's School. 

2024-25 Application Timeline for 2025 Summer Residential Governor's School
  • Early October - November 19 — You must request to join the FPHS SRGS Canvas page to access and submit all materials. Email Mrs. Vroustouris at [email protected] and/or Mr. Bredbenner at [email protected] to request be added.
  • Nov. 20 — Requests should be made to teachers for recommendations by this date. Notify Mr. Bredbenner or Mrs. Vroustouris of your intention to apply.
  • Dec. 2 — Make an appointment with Mr. Bredbenner or Mrs. Vroustouris, the Gifted Resource Teachers, to review your essay and activities/research/honors page with you.
  • Dec. 13 — Academic applications due. Academic teacher recommendations due. See your Gifted Resource Teacher for specific due date. Be sure to also turn in the Early College Scholars agreement for full points on course challenge.
  • Week of Dec. 9 — Testing (if necessary) conducted. If you cannot make it one of those days, please make arrangements in advance for an alternate date for testing.
  • Early March — Notification from county of application status (sent forward to state or not)
  • Mid-April — Notification from state of acceptances
  • Late June - Late July — Programs happen at Radford, Lynchburg, VA Tech and CNU