Library Policies & Rules

Bruin students are welcome to borrow books, study, research and work on assignments independently or collaboratively at Forest Park HS Library.  View Forest Park HS Library Guide


Read something new today! Our Library fiction section is genre-fied, which means that it’s organized into color-coded sections so you can more easily locate books you like to read. Fiction books are organized & color-coded by both author & genre! 

  • Students may borrow up to 4 items at a time with a check-out period of 14 school days.
  • Overdue notices will be sent out monthly.
  • No daily overdue fines will be charged in the 2024-25 school year.
  • Lost or damaged materials must be paid for so they can be replaced.


  • All students are required to have a signed pass issued from FPHS Faculty or Librarian.
  • Sign in at library circulation desk when entering.
  • Access technology for academic purposes and mute audio or use earbuds.
  • No gum, food, or drinks are permitted.


Renew at the Library: Stop by the Library Circulation desk and use a self-check station. Forest Park HS Librarians can guide you at point of need.

Renew Online: Sign in to your Destiny Library account then go to 'My Stuff' tab at the top of the page. Choose 'Checkouts' option. Click 'Renew' button found beneath each book. Stop by the library to request a renewal extension as needed.


  1. Go to FPHS Library Catalog and be sure you are logged in to Destiny by selecting blue PWCS Sign-On button.
  2. Search for book(s) you want to borrow. Then click on any displayed book cover and select HOLD. 
  3. Go to 'MY STUFF' in top Navigation Menu to view books you currently have placed on hold. We will message you when your hold is ready for pick-up. NOTE: Print books offer the HOLD option, but eBooks can be automatically borrowed, opened and read inside your Chrome or Edge browser.