Library Trac
Students will use Library Trac to sign in to the Media Center. Sign-in is located on the circulation desk at the laptop or by scanning the QR code.
Library Policies
- The library is one way until further notice. Enter through the glass doors on 1st Street, and exit through the blue doors on 2nd Street.
- You MUST have a pass from a teacher to come to the library, NO EXCEPTIONS!
- Only 10 students allowed at a time to check out books...IF there is a class in the library that number drops to 5 students.
- Books can still be put on hold through the library catalog and then picked up.
Printed pages from computer: Black and white copies are 5 cents per side. Color copies are 25 cents per side.
Overdue Book Policy
Here at Forest Park, students are encouraged to check out books to read and use for class. The due date for books checked out is inside the back cover on a card in the book pocket. Since we do not charge late fees on overdue books, students are expected to turn books in or renew them on or before the due date. Failure to turn books in on time could result in the following:
A. A visit by library staff to the student in class to retrieve the library items
B. Parent contact by phone, email or mailC. Administrative intervention (should all other avenues be ignored)