Russian Course Descriptions

Russian Course Descriptions



Russian I

In Russian I students develop knowledge in all four skill areas; listening, reading, speaking and writing. They will begin with the basics and work toward mastery of essential elements of grammar and the development of basic vocabulary dealing with a variety of situations. They begin communicating using basic grammatical structures. They are exposed to authentic sources of audio and reading materials. Students are encouraged to express themselves as much as possible in Russian. Students will develop an appreciation and awareness

of other cultures and customs and their community and elsewhere and are introduced to the history and geography of the Russian speaking World.


Russian II

In Russian II students will continue to develop proficiency in all four skills-listening, reading, speaking and writing. They continue to work toward mastery of essential elements of grammar and development of advanced vocabulary to be proficient in most situations. They communicate using more complex structures on a variety of topics. They comprehend the main idea of authentic materials they read and hear. Their ability to discuss historic and contemporary topics increases. Students continue to develop an appreciation and awareness of other cultures and customs in their community and elsewhere.


Russian III

In Russian III, students continue to develop proficiency in all four skill areas-listening, speaking, reading, and writing. They continue to work toward mastery of essential elements of grammar and the development of advanced vocabulary to be proficient in most situations. They communicate using more complex structures on a variety of topics. They comprehend the main idea of authentic materials they read and hear. Their ability to discuss historic and contemporary topics increases. Students continue to develop an appreciation and awareness of other cultures and customs in their community and elsewhere.


Russian IV

The Advanced Russian IV is taught mostly in Russian. The course requires students to improve their intermediate level of proficiency to advanced level of proficiency across the three modes of communication (interpretative, interpersonal and presentational). This course also focuses on improving all areas of language including reading, writing, listening and speaking. The goal of this class is to develop and increase advanced language skills and engage in the awareness of the diverse cultural differences in Russian speaking countries. The course outline is divided in six units of study, which include: Family & Communities, Science & Technology, Global Challenged, Influence of Beauty & Art, Contemporary Life and Personal & Public Identities.